Saturday, January 21, 2023

Setup crontab for www-data

For the IT420 class we are creating a crontab for www-data user using the following bash script.  This crontab will run every 10 minutes and create a php file that we need for the lab.


printf "Commands you need to execute to schedule the creation of the phpcode\n"
printf "\n"

printf "Create php\n"
printf "PHP - $PHP\n\n"
B64=`echo 'phpcode' | base64 -w 0`
printf "Base64 encoded phpcode - $B64\n"
printf "\n"
printf "Pull the existing crontab\n"
printf "crontab -l > mycron\n\n"
printf "Append to the file mycron\n"
printf "echo \"*/10 * * * * echo $B64 | base64 -d > /var/www/html/uploads/attachments/attach.php\" >> mycron\n\n"
printf "Setup permissions on php file for execution\n"
printf "echo \"*/10 * * * * chmod 777 /var/www/html/uploads/attachments/attach.php\" >> mycron\n\n"
printf "Load the mycron as the current crontab for www-data\n"
printf "crontab mycron\n\n"
printf "Verify the crontab listing has your php\n"
printf "crontab -l\n\n"
printf "Notice a .htaccess file exists - Modify or Remove the file if it exists\n"
printf "rm /var/www/html/uploads/attachments/.htaccess\n\n"

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